Saturday, September 5, 2020

T.S. - folklore (Full Album) [��High Quality Audio��]

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Jesus Audio Blog for Saturday August 29th

As the COVID-19 global turmoil continues, enormous changes are in progress all across the world that will ease and simplify humanity’s awakening process as it nears completion.  So keep your spirits high and intend to be a conduit through which Love can flow to all of humanity.  When you set the intent to be a conduit through which Love can flow without restriction to all of humanity, you are massively adding to the Tsunami of Love that has been assisting in your awakening process since 2012.  Yes, the awakening process has been flowing since 2012 and its intensity has been increasing, and now very few of you could claim to be unaware that change is most definitely in the air as you observe and feel the energy of Love arising in many unexpected places.
Love is the power that is awakening you.  It is gentle, but completely irresistible when you make the informed choice to open your hearts to invite It to enter.  It has always been there awaiting your invitation, but because so many of you have been unable to love yourselves unconditionally, it has seemed to you that Love is not present, is not available.  In other words your own negative self-judgments, which are not in alignment with Love, act as a thin veil or screen which seems to separate you from Love, and yet Love is always with you because It is what you are, always and eternally.
Your most important duty right now is to let go of all negative self-judgment – if you have not already made the choice to do so – and make the choice now to accept yourselves fully, just as you are, understanding that who you are in this moment, as a human in form, is exactly who you set the intent to be before you incarnated for your present human life.  You are who you are because of pre-incarnational choices and decisions you made, with much wise and loving guidance from those on your support team in the spiritual realms, so that you could follow an individual path of learning that was expressly suited to you, and to no one else.  Each one of you, each individual human being is one of a kind.  There is no one else who is just like you.  You are each unique, and you were created like that because it pleased Mother/Father/God to do so, and because God in Her infinite wisdom saw what joy it would bring to you and to Her.
You were all created in joy – there are no exceptions to that divine truth – for eternal life in the Presence of and fully integrated within that Presence, the One.  The choice to experience life in human form was the collective choice of those beloved created ones who wished to undergo a sense of separation from Source.  To actually do this is of course impossible, but because you were and are such powerful creators – you all have the power of God within you – you were able to construct a seemingly very inviting and complex but completely unreal environment in which to do this.  It has caused you much pain and suffering because, when you engage with it by taking human form, you completely forget who you really are, and find yourselves alone in individual bodies that are subject to sickness, injury, and decay, all of which inevitably lead to the death of that physical form.  And, because you have fully identified yourselves with that human form, you believe that when the form dies that your existence will be terminated, that your life will be extinguished forever.  This is a terrifying thought, and so mostly you bury it deep within yourselves and focus your attention on your daily lives as humans, but that life is in no way comparable to the real life from which you appear to have departed, and so you all have, deep within you, an intense and insatiable longing for Source, God, Love, and you spend inordinate amounts of time searching for relief from that deep longing, and for love, outside yourselves where it cannot be found.  Yes, you can form loving relationships with others who are in form, but the sense of separation remains, and so you grieve enormously and for a long time when a loved one dies, confirming for you that you are separate beings.  The separation can seem unbearable, and it brings to your attention again your sense of separation from Source, Whose existence many have very strong doubts about, and Whose Love for you all you also strongly doubt as you observe the evil in which so many are engaged.
So, I would remind you yet again that what you are experiencing in form is unreal, it is but a very strongly sensed vast physical environment of which you feel yourselves to be extremely small and insignificant parts.  However, as some of your more intellectually gifted and visionary scientists have recently realized, the visible universe, which seems vast, perhaps even infinite when seen and experienced through your human senses, is in fact an almost infinitesimal aspect of All That Exists, which is Itself totally beyond your human comprehension.  To be in form as a human is to be severely limited, and when you awaken, as soon you will, the intensity of that state of limitation will become clear to you, and you will be both delighted and amazed at how well you followed your preset paths through it to work your way Home!
As you take time out daily from your busy and stressful lives in form, do allow yourselves to quieten your minds.  It truly is well within your power for each one of you to choose, set the intent, and then allow yourselves to quieten those noisy minds that are almost constantly demanding your attention.  They are not you, they are just thoughts passing through on which you can either choose to focus your attention and then engage with, or you can choose to let them flow without attending to do them.  It takes quite a lot of practice, but when you first manage to pay no attention to the flow, even if only momentarily, you will find yourselves in a state of deep peace.  When that happens for you, as it will, then you will ensure that your practice becomes regular, and you will set yourselves a time each day during which you will honor yourselves by being totally present, loving and accepting yourselves, in the full knowledge that you are, each and every one of you, beloved children of God who have never separated from that infinitely loving Presence. Please, spoil yourselves by daily going within to that holy inner sanctuary where you and God are One, and where the Love that You are is fully palpable.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

Jesus Book

I had a number of comments saying that people were unable to find Awakening to Reality at various Amazon sites.
I have just checked and it is available at: Amazon USA; Amazon Canada; Amazon UK; Amazon France; Amazon Netherlands; Amazon Germany; Amazon Spain; Amazon Portugal.
Hope this helps, John.

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Jesus Audio Blog for Wednesday August 19th

Here in the spiritual and non-physical realms we are with you in every moment, cheering you on most enthusiastically, and encouraging you mightily as you move powerfully along the Home straight toward your awakening.  Your destination is in sight and your arrival is inevitable.  You have been most magnificently and powerfully setting the intent for humanity to awaken, and then, by following through on that intent by also setting the intent to be loving whatever arises, you have been bringing it to fruition.  Many of you are sensing the closeness of this most wonderful moment in humanity’s spiritual awakening, this moment when an astounding leap forward or upward on your unfolding path of spiritual evolution or enlightenment will occur, filling you with JOY at a level that you have never before been even able to imagine, let alone actually experience.
The eons prior to this moment, which have seemingly been spent in darkness and conflict, are coming to an end.  They have been invaluable learning experiences for the many who have been open to learning, exploring, and observing, without judgment.  But for the majority they have been extremely dark ages delivering what appears to have been an endless succession of events that have caused them intense pain and suffering.  However, also throughout these eons, when souls have laid down their physical bodies – as all inevitably do – they have been warmly welcomed Home into the Light of God’s infinite Love where every one of His divine progeny enjoy their eternal existence.  Many have been extremely shocked and horrified when, in that moment of transition, they experience their life review which presents them very rapidly indeed – in what in the present age you might well call a “virtual reality” experience – with every interaction that they have had with others throughout the life of form which they are now leaving behind.
As ego-driven humans it is extremely difficult for you not to judge yourselves as right in comparison with the others with whom you interact during your lives – and those others, of course, do the same – but that egoic perspective that you each experience is intensely narrow and massively restrictive, as you realize immediately during your after-life life review.  There is NO judgment, BUT you are each horrified by the sudden and overwhelming awareness of the various unloving actions and behaviors in which you realize that you have engaged.  For some, who have committed what can only be described as horrific atrocities – totally unreal as they are because there is ONLY LOVE, GOD, SOURCE – the shock is so intense that they effectively fall into what on Earth you would describes as a coma.  This state can last for eons before they heal enough to objectively view that life and understand that they are completely forgiven so that they can then forgive themselves, thus finding themselves free to choose to reincarnate once more in order to deal with their individual karmaand learn the lessons that, previously, they had neither seen nor recognized.  With that healing complete they start again with a totally clean slate, utterly free of any shame or guilt, to plan a new incarnation.
Attempting to access information about previous lives, previous incarnations as a human, while often very fascinating, can be a very diverting distraction as you try to second guess the reason for your present incarnation and the situations and events with which it presents you.  Although you have no memory of the marvelous life plan that you prepared prior to your present incarnation – and with great wisdom and guidance from others in your soul family – that plan ensures that you are always precisely where you intended to be for the lessons you had chosen to learn.  Your present life is perfect for you, even though it may well appear to you that this cannot be the case.  The point is to live now, thus allowing life to unfold for you as you had planned, so that you can deal lovingly in the moment the with issues and events that arise as they arise, and so learn the lessons you wish to learn.  Trying to forecast and plan for what you think may occur tends to be very counterproductive, and often causes unnecessary anxiety.  Just remind yourself that there are no accidents or coincidences, and that everything you experience was beautifully pre-planned to teach you to love and accept yourself just as does Mother/Father/God, Source, LOVE.
Loving and accepting yourself, despite the inadequacies and incompetences you may believe you have within you, honors God who created you to be precisely who you are, for Her joy and yours.  You do not honor your creator by dishonoring and negatively judging yourself.  Doing so drains your energy and distracts you from being the loving being that God created, because to dwell on your human limitations and inadequacies blocks your awareness of the wonders and mysteries with which life is constantly presenting you, and keeps you in an almost constant state of negative self-judgment where you close yourself off from Love.  Love is always with you, waiting with infinite patience for the inevitable moment when you finally choose to open to It and accept It as It accepts you – completely and utterly.
Life, Love, God, Source, YOU . . . Is, and is infinite in Its magnificence, in Its glory, and in Its sempiternal Presence.  You are always One, and All, and that is a most wonderful mystery to contemplate, to dwell on, and in which to enfold yourself by surrendering to it, and thus delivering yourself to Yourself in an absolute abandonment of self to Love.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
Since the Fall of 2017, apart from receiving messages from Jesus and Saul to post on our blogs, I have been transcribing a book from Jesus:
Awakening to Reality:
A Joy-filled Book from Jesus
I have just published it as a Kindle Ebook on Amazon, and I am sure many of you will find it an invaluable addition to your collection of spiritually uplifting and inspiring writings.
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  Jesus Audio Blog for Tuesday July 21st.

We are approaching a momentous period in humanity’s spiritual evolution.  Although life in form, separated from Source, is quite unreal, it appears to be very real indeed, and while experiencing the unreality of life in form you have all chosen to learn lessons that will assist you enormously in your inevitable awakening.  If properly understood and assimilated they will greatly decrease the time required for you to ready yourselves for your return to Reality – although, of course, you have never left Reality!  The choice to experience life in form was made collectively, and instantly God provided the means for your return to full awareness of your Oneness.  Nevertheless, in His infinite Love for You, His divine progeny, He gave you, at the moment of your creation, absolutely ALL of Him/Herself.  There is nothing of God that is not also you!
As I have already told you in previous messages, Love is all-powerful but It is also totally free of any kind of coercion or compulsion, otherwise It would not be Love.  You are completely free, you are sovereign beings, and you are free to do whatever you choose in any moment.  While you are experiencing human life your memory of your real nature is hidden from you by your collective choice, and thus it seems that to be in human form is an extremely limited state of being; nevertheless, you do have free will.  Part of the reason for taking life in form was to experience that freedom without an awareness of your true and eternal nature – Love.  Without that awareness it has been possible for you to engage in some extremely unloving behaviors over the eons, as your history so clearly shows you.  As a result you came to believe that Love is weak, and that for you to survive and prosper you had to develop and use physical force in conflict to beat and defeat those – many, many other beings that were, it seemed, completely and utterly separate from you – who, it appeared to you, threatened your survival.
On laying down your physical forms at the moment of death you instantly become aware of how you have lived your human lives, and your unloving behaviors, revealed to you in that moment, either shock and horrify you, leading you to an intense desire to re-experience life in form to correct or heal any pain or suffering that you have inflicted on others, or you go into such a deep state of shock that it places you in what in human terms you would call a coma.  Then – and of course at the moment of your passing/transition you are totally overwhelmed by the intensity of LOVE that immediately embraces you making it abundantly clear to you that you are One with It – you either plan a new incarnation, or remain in a state of coma while long term healing occurs, which, when completed, will enable you to once again review your life in form and arrange and plan a new incarnation to present you once more with the lessons that you then choose to learn.
No one, on laying down their human form, is compelled to reincarnate – as I explained above, Love never uses force or coercion – but very many desire to do so in order to learn the lessons that they had missed or misunderstood.  Now, many are learning the lessons that they previously missed or misunderstood, and at some deep level of their consciousness the awareness of the unreality of anything other than Love is arising and guiding them most beautifully toward awakening.  This present momentous period in humanity’s separation adventure is the moment in which you are being presented with the opportunity – due to the awareness arising in so many of you that you are spiritual beings having a temporary experience in form – to greatly shorten the time and reduce the number of incarnations in form that you need to experience before you return to Reality.
It was planned by Source from the instant that you chose to experience separation, because She knew that the pain of separation would become so intense that the majority of those incarnate would wish to bring it to a point of termination.  Therefore “a window of opportunity” was planned to occur, during which those who wished could dramatically reduce the number of human incarnations they needed to undergo by learning, understanding, and fully and completely engaging with their true nature – Love.  After anyone has made the choice to do this, then from this moment onward in their lives he or she can only be loving, because there are no other options since only Love is Real.  To know that, as humans in form, is the most uplifting and inspiring experience that can possibly happen to anyone.  They cannot, and will never, revert to the limited form of consciousness in which most humans are entangled, and in which it seems that there is a constant ongoing conflict between good and evil.
Evil is unreal, but within the illusion it appears to be very real and causes enormous pain and suffering for untold millions.  Now the opportunity has arrived, for those who choose to take it, to awaken from that unreal or dream state and return Home.  Many are presently feeling very much that, here on Earth, they are not at home, and this is very confusing because life in form is all that they appear to have ever known.  The Truth is, of course, that they are not experiencing Home, Reality, because of their choice to undergo a state of apparent separation from Source, and the deeper knowing of this Truth is now rising into their consciousness, leading to a cognizance that where they presently appear to be is not their real Home.  That realization is extremely unsettling because the illusory environment of physicality still does seem to be inordinately real, causing great confusion and inner strife.
Each one of you reading this message, or other similarly uplifting ones through other channels, are aware of your spiritual nature and heritage, and are each becoming increasingly aware that your individual tasks – which are very similar, although in many respects they are very different – are to assist in the awakening process by being loving in every moment, whatever may arise on your own individual life path.  Your daily time out, meditation practice, period of contemplation, or just quiet relaxation is the time when you work most effectively on your task.  And, of course, it is not work!  What you are doing is demonstrating a most joyful expression of Love.  That expression, as it flows through you, and out to embrace all with whom you interact in any manner at all, is warm and most welcoming, drawing toward you those in your vicinity who are seeking to understand and gain relief from their sense of not belonging, of being in the wrong place, of being in the wrong body, or being on the wrong world.  Many are presently experiencing feelings of this nature, as the truth that they are indeed divine beings starts to arise into their field of consciousness; and initially it is very confusing for them.  Your awakened presence, by offering them a safe place in which to talk about these startling feelings while you just listen, is precisely what is required to assist those who have been deeply asleep to begin to awaken, while calming the fears and anxieties that are also arising within them as the ‘old normal’ way of living becomes increasingly untenable for them.
To reiterate: Each and every one of you reading or listening to this, and to similar channeled messages, are precisely where you are meant to be in order to assist many others as they consciously choose to take part in humanity’s most wonderful awakening process.  Everyone presently incarnate on Planet Earth, and there are absolutely no exceptions, is being nudged in one way or another so that they pay attention to the undeniable presence of their true spiritual nature which is arising into their waking consciousness and demanding their attention.  To dismiss this powerful intuitive sense that there is far more to life than is normally apparent would be unfortunate, and perhaps quite a large number of people will do this, however, it only serves to delay their inevitable awakening.  Nevertheless, those who do choose this option will not become aware that they have missed out, and will continue to evolve spiritually – that is continue on their path to the point at which they do choose to know themselves as One with Source, and in that knowing they too will awaken.
All are One.  There is no separation, and those few who continue to choose to engage with a sense of separation, with the sense that they have but one personal and individual life in form that terminates with the decay and death of that form, have in fact already chosen to awaken – but not just yet.  That choice is absolutely fine, but it will involve them in rather more pain and suffering as they unnecessarily maintain their sense of separation and choose to identify solely with their human forms.
You are all free, totally free, because that is how God so lovingly created you.  You were created free because to love another is to totally honor and respect each other, including their inalienable and sovereign right to live completely free from any rules or restrictions.  You are free beings of Love, extending and sharing that Love, because that is what Love is and what It does – eternally. While living as humans in form this is not apparent to you because of the limitations that state imposes upon you, until you start to become aware of the loving nudges you are receiving to assist you to awaken.
All of you reading this have at least started to become aware of your true nature, and as this awareness grows and strengthens your inner Light brightens and helps others to start becoming aware.  Know that what you are doing now in your human lives, just by being yourselves, is an absolutely essential part of the collective awakening process.  Here in the spiritual realms, you are greatly honored for your fortitude and strength of intent, so please make a point of honoring and loving yourselves, because doing so allows the Light that you all are to shine even more brightly and more effectively to assist those who feel lost, alone, or abandoned.  No one is ever lost, alone, or abandoned, but many feel that they are, and your Light and your acceptance of them, just as they are, helps to dissolve that feeling and gently brings to them the awareness that they are loved, and that all will be well.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
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  Jesus Audio Blog for Friday July 10th

In these times of continuing confusion and uncertainty it is absolutely essential that you take time out every single day to do your inner work.  It is your inner work, no matter how private and individual it may appear to you to be, that is leading humanity forward to its inevitable and long sought awakening.  Yes, you all have daily lives during which you need to deal with the issues with which you are constantly being presented while living as humans in form, but your main work is your inner work.  You all have inner work that needs to be done, work that you chose to incarnate to do at this point in humanity’s most wonderful spiritual evolution, and it is vital that you do it.
It may well seem to you that your inner work is something that only serves you, but this is most definitely not the case.  When you set the intent each day to be only loving you are making a very powerful commitment to do what you came to do to assist in the awakening process.  Mostly you will not receive much in the way of positive feedback, but I assure you that the inner work that you are doing is very efficacious, and that it is mightily assisting in bringing into the awareness of multitudes of people, who have not yet remembered that their life’s main purpose is spiritual, a need to deeply question the reason for their presence on Earth at this time.
You are all spiritual beings created by Source to enjoy eternal life and the infinite variety of creative possibilities that that state – eternally One with Source in an infinite and uninterruptible communion that is Love – constantly provides for each one of you for the constant Joy of All in every moment.  Life, Reality, Love, Oneness is forever joyful.  The choice to experience life as a physical being in form was taken collectively, and it was a very joy filled state of existence that you experienced for a short time in order to compare the limited state of form and its physical sensations with the limitless state of pure energy.
Initially it was a very enjoyable playful state, and the limitations that it imposed were not unpleasant.  However, as infinite spiritual beings who were accustomed to living in the constant state of now, where all that you desired was instantly present, you became increasingly dissatisfied with those limitations, and as time passed the limitations became an ever greater impediment to your joy.  Then you forgot who you truly were, because those limitations – as part of the rules of that state that you established before entering in to it – intensified and kept further narrowing your life options as humans in form.
Suddenly life in form was no longer fun, and the dissatisfactions you experienced frequently appeared to be caused by others who disagreed with you, leading to conflict and suffering.  Over the eons these unhappy states intensified and you began to judge and blame one another for the states of unhappiness that so many of you were experiencing.  People formed into groups, tribes, cultural associations with seemingly very different perspectives on how you should live and behave, leading to further disagreement and more conflicts, which is where you are today.
Now humanity has started to become aware that these divisive ways of living, in which judgment of others has become a major aspect, make no sense and are, in fact, quite unacceptable.  Many are talking and writing about the newly acknowledged concept that all are interrelated, that there is no such thing as separation, because all are eternally interconnected.  This realization is encouraging people to start honoring and respecting the differences between races, nations, cultures, skin color, etc. – differences that have for so long divided you and set you against one another in conflict – and the many other differences that have divided you, and delight in these charming multicultural diversifications that add to the wonder of life.
One of the reasons that the choice to experience life in form was entertained and engaged with was because you wanted to separate and have different life experiences, and that is what has happened.  But the sense of separation became far too intense as the differences available for you to engage with multiplied, leading to confusion, misunderstanding, and fear.  Then the belief that you needed to be able to defend yourselves from each other arose, leading to even further confusion and more violent conflicts.
Finally, in the last few decades, it has become apparent to increasing numbers of you that, if humanity continues on the path of conflict escalation, then mutually assured destruction is the most likely eventual outcome, an outcome that absolutely no one wants as they realize very clearly that it will be their children and grandchildren who will have to undergo this insane experience.  Humanity is waking up to the vast gulf between your technological abilities and your soundness of mind – your wisdom, or rather or your lack of it.  As a result enormous numbers of you have formed groups to pray for peace and to set the intent not to engage in conflict at any level, from one against one to nation against nation.  These groups – each individual one of you – are having a most wonderful effect as more and more frequently reason and maturity (wisdom) are expressed in moments when latent hostility arises which, previously, might well have led to conflict.
Make a point, therefore, of focusing your attention on the good that is arising everywhere, and avoid engaging with the many dramas which your various media sources are constantly drawing to your attention.  Engaging with dramas of pain, suffering, and conflict – both factual and fictional – drains your energy, reducing the power of your loving intent.  This does not mean to ignore or be completely unaware of the suffering that so many are experiencing, it just means that you should not focus your attention there, judging what appears to be happening but, instead, send love and healing to all involved when your attention is drawn to people who are suffering, and then continue to go lovingly about your daily lives.  When you are feeling loving and peaceful within yourselves the effect of that extends outwards from you in every direction, greatly assisting in humanity’s awakening process.
Everyone presently incarnate as a human set the intent before taking form to be only loving.  However, the amnesiac state that you all enter at the moment of physical birth led to deep forgetfulness of that intent, and so it is now being remembered as vast numbers of people – people who until now had no memory of their spiritual heritage – having totally bought into the belief that life’s only meaning was, in essence, material.  This belief is being rapidly discarded now by large numbers of people as the loving nudges they are all receiving from friends, families, loved ones, and their support teams in the spiritual realms grab their attention giving them hope, hope they have never previously experienced.  Truly, there is great hope arising worldwide, and it is completely justified, despite the horrors and suffering that so many are undergoing.
Therefore, be hopeful, be loving, be joyful, and know that God’s magnificent plan for his beloved children is moving perfectly and rapidly towards its most wondrous completion.  You are all – there are NO EXCEPTIONS – infinitely loved and cherished in every moment of your eternal existence.  Celebrate the wonder that is God and that is You, knowing, as you all do at the deepest level of your being that All is One.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
Just thought you all might enjoy an interview with the above title between Amanda Solk and Brian Longhurst that was published on June 25th 2020. Enjoy, John.
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Jesus Audio Blog for Friday July 3rd.

Much is happening as humanity prepares for the pandemic restrictions to be eased, and then hears that in certain areas new restrictions are being brought into effect . It is very confusing for you, but those who are setting the restrictions are themselves very confused because the situation is not unfolding as they had planned and intended. There is much resistance arising as people all across the world come to the realization that they are being asked to conform to rules and regulations that are ineffectual in controlling the ‘pandemic,’ while severely restricting their basic human rights. Those who would control humanity are finding that they are no longer able to do so, and this will shortly begin to be reported in the mainstream media as those media start to reclaim their own right to report the real news instead of promoting the views of those who have been controlling them.
Truly, the collective awakening of humanity is very close, and so it makes the most sense for you to prepare to celebrate rather than to worry yourselves unduly by attempting to guess what will happen next, either locally or globally. You do know that the divine plan is unfolding perfectly, the only possible way for it to do so, therefore continue to set the intent at least once daily to be only loving whatever arises. When you do that you open your hearts to invite Love to enter, which It does immediately, and then It flows powerfully into your energy fields to interact most beautifully with the energy fields of any one about whom you think, even only momentarily, and of course also with anyone to whom you talk, text, Zoom, or meet in person in order to commune, uplifting and inspiring them as they feel the loving energy surrounding you and which is enveloping them in those moments of togetherness.
You are all extremely powerful beings, and the more frequently and intently you choose to be only loving the more effective you are in carrying out your particular assignment in the collective awakening process. Remember, each of you is playing an absolutely essential part that only you can play, so trust yourselves, trust your intuitive guidance – we are always with you ready to offer our assistance should you choose to call on us – and go about your daily lives knowing that you are, in every moment, precisely where you need to be in that moment. Whatever occurs or arises in the moment is a wonderful opportunity for you to move the awakening process forward, as you choose to respond to it lovingly, just as you planned before incarnating when, with love and total freedom, you chose to volunteer to be in form at this time.
To awaken, as you are all doing, is to move from fear to Love as you think, speak, and act, and you all chose to be in form as humans at this time in your spiritual evolution to do just this. You do not need to think deeply about what it is that God/Source/Divine Wisdom wants of you, because It just wants you to be here now, being yourselves. Release yourselves from any egoic masks that you may have fashioned for yourselves, as seemingly insignificant human beings, to wear in public – that is when you were not alone and used to believe that who you are had to be improved on when interacting with others – because not only do they no longer serve you, they seriously distract you from your divine work of being Love in action.
You are all here on a divine mission for which you volunteered, and Love, in her divine Wisdom, accepted your offer. There is no separation, All are One, and therefore everyone is involved and has their own personal assignment in the ongoing human awakening process, an individual assignment that no one else can do for them because, until you awaken, you are still engaging with the dream or illusion of separation. What you are all doing – COOPERATIVELY – is creating the most wonderful event that has ever happened on Planet Earth. It was brilliantly planned eons ago, at the moment when the collective choice to experience the unreal state of separation was made and put into effect, and now is the moment in which it is to come beautifully to fruition.
Remember! There are no accidents and no ‘coincidences,’ because all is divinely planned to assure total JOY for All that Is – You, and You, and You, and You . . . The free choice to experience separation was not unexpected by Source, but until it was actually put into effect it was not appropriate to design a program to bring the experiment to its completion. There is only NOW! And, in the Now, all is designed, created, and put into effect. Everything – every situation, event, opportunity, activity, interaction – occurs NOW! To repeat, there is only NOW!
Humanity is awakening NOW, and that is the divine Will and, therefore, humanity’s Will, because there is only One Will, the Divine Will, YOUR Will!
Therefore: Relax! Enjoy these last few moments when it seems that separation from Source is real, knowing, as you do, that ALL is divinely taken care of, and your return to Joy is imminent and inevitable.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
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Jesus Audio Blog for Thursday June 25th

The word ‘awakening’ has become a bit of a “buzz-word” in recent months, as many are hearing it for the first time in the context of the human collective’s spiritual unfoldment.  This growing awareness, which is now arising in so many, that to be human at this moment is to have an experience in form, in physicality, that will allow and encourage all to remember that they are and always have been eternal spiritual beings.  The life force that flows through all sentient physical life forms, and on which those forms are totally dependent for their existence in form, is LOVE.
Love, Source, God, the One – whatever word you choose to use to express the idea of a supreme all-knowing, all-loving, and all-wise Creator and eternal Being in Whom all of creation has its eternal existence – is indeed ALL.  Every sentient being is eternally contained within and lovingly embraced in every moment by the One, the I Am Presence, as It expresses Itself in infinite manifestations of Itself and with complete creative JOY in every one of them.
God is Love is Creation is JOY!  However, many manifestations have chosen to experience severe limitation by manifesting in form which by its very nature is a severely limited state of being.  Nevertheless, separation from Source is impossible because there is only the ONE!  Separation physically experienced in form is amnesia, blackout, memory loss, but only for a very limited TIME!  Time is an aspect of the illusion that makes the apparent experience of separation possible, but only for the briefest of instants, a few momentary flashes or flickers and slivers of a heartbeat.  But, while being experienced, it can seem to last for an inordinately long period of time, and then, when you awaken, you will know that it was but a momentary loss of memory, of consciousness!  To awaken is to be, once again as you always have been, fully aware, fully conscious of your inseparable Oneness with each other and with Source.  That consciousness is a state of infinite and eternal Joy in which you express and demonstrate all your creative abilities magnificently in every moment for the delight of ALL.
All sentient consciousness was created eternally alive!  There is no such thing as death or termination of life – which is fully aware consciousness knowing itself as One with Source – because what is created is fully alive now, and now, and now, always and eternally.  The life experience in form is temporary, a game some chose to play for a limited time!  Limitation and time are unreal, and will be gone when the choice is made to cease playing that game or engaging in that dream, and it will be as though they had never existed, because, of course, they never did – unreality has no existence!
Being eternally alive, eternally at One with Source and with All of creation, and forever harmoniously creating delights that All can enjoy is the purpose for which all are created.  That purpose is forever joy-filled.  The ongoing awakening process that humanity is presently undergoing is the collective choice, fully and lovingly supported by Source and by All of creation, to permanently cease living in a state of experiencing the unreality and limitation of uncertainty, and the pain, suffering, and fear that had to arise in that unreal state.  The moment of remembering Who You are is very close, and to celebrate Life and Love is the way to awaken from the unreal, from the dream, and to know Yourselves once more as the divine Beings that you all are.
So, what are you to do during the remaining moments of unreality?  Enormous numbers of you feel that you have an essential personal individual spiritual purpose as a human on the earthly location at which you are undergoing this life experience.  And, you ask yourselves, “what is it?”  And the answer is simply to be Yourself!
So many of you have grown up in a culture – local, national, religious, political, academic, philosophical – that is very limited in its beliefs and moral attitudes, and which has been incorporated within you so that you present to the world around you, without any awareness or knowing that you are doing so, an ‘acceptable persona’ in order to have a sense of belonging!  But underneath, somewhere deep within you, there is an uncertainty, a questioning, a wondering that asks “is this who I am?  Surely I must be more than just this human person, because truly I do not feel at home here.”  And of course you are much, much more than this human persona experiencing life in physicality with all the trauma, pain, and fear that is an aspect of it, and therefore, of course, you cannot feel truly at Home.
What you need to do is very simple, but very, very few find it easy.  During your journey from infancy to adulthood, you have been filled with self-doubt because you have been encouraged to compare yourselves to others who are ‘supposedly’ better, more successful, more competent, more beautiful, more physically or intellectually gifted than you.  The truth is that you can only be You, so to compare yourself to another is quite meaningless; each one of you is precisely where you chose to be.  Therefore completely accept the form in which you are experiencing human existence, and know – as deep within yourselves you do – that you chose it for the lessons and experiences with which it would present you during your earthly lives.
There are no accidents or coincidences, every event and situation serves a purpose that was pre-planned before you incarnated, and it arrives in your life at the precise moment in which you need it as you journey toward your inevitable awakening.  In accepting yourselves, in self-acceptance you will find peace.  When you are at peace others will be drawn to you and be inspired and uplifted by the sense of presence that flows from you when you present your true self to them, seeking neither their approval nor acceptance because, as a divine being, you know that you already have complete and loving acceptance of yourself from Source and from Yourself.
Therefore, knowing as you do that you are eternally One with Source, be like Source, meeting all that arises in your life with love, and celebrate life in every moment because life is meant to be an ongoing celebration of the wonder and magnificence that is All, that is Source, that is YOU!
And, as I always keep on reminding you, it is essential that you take time out daily to be quiet and peaceful as you let go of your ‘to do’ lists for a few moments while you rest within.  Within, in that quiet and holy inner sanctuary at the center of your Being, Peace and Love will embrace you if you just choose to allow Them to do so.  You have free will because what Love creates is always completely free – and complete freedom is not what many of you experience in your daily human lives – and so you can choose to be aware and feel that Presence, or unaware and experience only the constant stream of thoughts that plague so many.  Therefore on going within, set the intent to know that you are Peace, to know that you are Love, and then feel and experience yourself as the divine Being that you are right now!
Your loving brother, Jesus.
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Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday June 7th

Here in the spiritual realms I, Jesus, and all your individual support teams are watching over you constantly and inundating you with LOVE, as the awakening process continues to unfold perfectly as divinely planned.  The “stuff”, that we have talked about previously, has strongly intensified for many as it flows into your conscious awareness to be recognized, thanked, and fully released.  Attending to this can be very tiring, very stressful, and very unsettling, because most of you have been unaware of how much stuff you had hidden deep within yourselves, waiting to be acknowledged and released.  The intensity has shocked many of you as friends and loved ones have unexpectedly – and mostly quite unwittingly – triggered spontaneous and unloving reactions that have exploded from within you, and which you have then directed powerfully back at those who have triggered you, shocking and offending them, thus triggering them in return.
This is a time for you to demonstrate enormous compassion for yourselves and for all others, because so many are feeling very confused in this period of great uncertainty, as the familiar world appears to be disintegrating, and when and how the future will unfold remains out of sight.  People do not like uncertainty – and yet the world of form has always been filled with uncertainty – and so they establish routines and life patterns that seem to show them the way forward to desired ends and events whose achievement is guaranteed.  This does work for short periods of time for individuals – maybe for as long as ten years, though more frequently for much shorter periods – then something happens that throws their plans into disarray.
Right now nearly everyone’s plans are in disarray, and the future seems to be more uncertain than anyone can remember.  Know that your awakening is absolutely assured.  Nevertheless, how you will awaken is not yet clear to you.  This is a time in which you need to strengthen your trust in God’s Love for you, and allow that trust to guide your thoughts, words, and actions, as you go about your daily human lives.  Live lovingly whatever arises for you, and demonstrate Love in action by being the divine Being that God so joyfully and lovingly created as You.  It is ALL that You are.  Anything that arises within you that is not in complete alignment with Love is not You, and is unreal.
As stress or fear attempts to fill your minds as you concern yourselves with reestablishing your ‘normal’ routines when the present restrictions on your freedom are eased or removed, turn to me, or indeed to anyone in the non physical realms with whom you commune on a regular basis, and ask for help and guidance to strengthen your faith in Mother/Father/God to Whom you are always inseparably connected.  Doing this will bring you comfort as the knowing of your inseparability from Source – with Whom you are always One – arises into your conscious mind reminding you again that there is only Love, that all else is unreal and will pass away.
The massive worldwide uncertainty, that all are presently experiencing, is an essential aspect of humanity’s awakening process.  In order for you to awaken you have to let go of or release your hold on “your life story,” the egoic image of yourself that you have built up as your identity, and which you present to others as the ‘me” that you think you are.  This is not who You are!  However the belief in this identity has become so deeply ingrained within you that you truly believe that it is who you are.  Your egos do not want to let go of this identity because they fear it will terminate their existence, and their sole purpose within you is to protect their identity so that they can control you through fear.
By fully opening to and embracing Love, your true and eternal nature, you allow It to dissolve your fear as the realization dawns on you that truly there is nothing to fear.  If you doubt this, remember what those who have had near death experiences (NDEs) have shared in books and interviews: that there is no death, that they have fully experienced knowing the truth of this, and that as a result of their experience they have lost all fear of death.  By opening fully to and embracing Love you too will come to the personal realization that there is nothing to fear, because you will know that there is only Love.
To arrive at this realization daily meditation must be practiced by relaxing into your holy inner sanctuaries, as you let arising thoughts just flow through your mind without engaging with them.  It does take practice, relaxed practice, where you let go of all judgments about your competence or ability – egotistical thoughts arising – that distract you from being at One with Yourself.  When you let go of self-assessment and self-judgment, and accept yourself just as you are, peace will arise within you as you enjoy the moment: ‘smelling the rose,’ ‘watching the sunshine playing on the water,’ ‘hearing the bird song,’ ‘listening to the breeze rustling the tree leaves.’  Truly all is well.
Remind yourself that you are on the path that you set up for yourself before you incarnated, and that you were born into the family that was absolutely perfect and that would allow the lessons that you had chosen to learn to be presented to you at just the right moment.  There are no accidents or coincidences, unexpected events are part of your life plan to allow you to deal with them in the most loving manner of which you are capable in the moment in which they occur.  Later in your lives you may look back and regret certain things you have said or done that have hurt others, and that awareness alone is enough to allow you to forgive yourself and move forward.  To dwell on past events of that nature, instead of acknowledging them and releasing them, causes you unnecessary pain and suffering and serves no useful purpose.  Forgive yourselves, and forgive others who have hurt or offended you, realizing that you were all doing your absolute best in that moment.  Judging yourselves and others wrong for past events with the ‘wisdom’ of hindsight is to cling to something that has passed, which makes no sense because there is only now.  Use your new awareness to live more lovingly.
You incarnated solely to live lovingly, and by so doing to assist humanity in the awakening process.  Your intent to send Love is extremely powerful, even though you very likely will receive no feedback after doing so.  Trust that this is so, knowing that you are a divine Being at One with Source, while remaining within the limitations of form where positive loving feedback, although often given, is often unseen or unfelt.  Your loving intentions always arrive at their destination and mightily assist those to whom they are directed, so keep on loving and intending to be loving, and awaken!
Your loving brother, Jesus.
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Jesus Audio Blog for Thursday May 14th

Despite the so-called pandemic and the global lock-down, all is well!  Humanity is awakening, just as divinely planned. Life in the illusion is finally proving to be completely unacceptable for the vast majority of people, and rightly so.  As a result of the changes that are happening worldwide all will share in a far more equitable dispersion of Earth’s abundance, while at the same time taking action to massively reduce the current despoliation that drilling, mining, and blasting has caused.  The time has come for humanity to stand up and become true care-givers for the planet – Gaia and all who live on her and within her in symbiotic interdependence – treating her with the honor and respect due to her for so lovingly supporting you all so beneficially for so long.  It is time to give thanks to Gaia, on whom all sentient life forms depend, and to do it daily, for it has long been neglected and doing so is long overdue.
Humanity’s govern-mentally demanded population confinement or lock-down has given people time to meditate frequently on how they want to live their lives, what changes they wish to make in their daily routines, and how they will deal with any relationship issues that have arisen, when the confinement comes to a close.  Many will be discovering that they now have a vastly different perception of how they want to move forward with their lives, now that they have, in effect, spent a long period of time in retreat allowing unaddressed or denied issues to arise into their conscious awareness to be acknowledged and dealt with.  Then, with the wisdom that a sustained period of quietness provides, releasing the ones that no longer serve them, and which may have greatly troubled them, with love and gratitude.
Life as a human presents people with many lessons that they chose – prior to incarnating – to experience in order to further their spiritual evolution.  However, many of them went unrecognized because of the pressures and stresses of daily human life, but the pain or suffering that developed because they went unrecognized and, therefore, despite being unseen or ignored, still had to be dealt with.  This lack of awareness often results in anger, judgment, and bitterness, leading to unhappy and unsatisfactory lives.  Now, with the insights that so many have gained as a result of being confined, without easy access to the distractions that so many had come to rely on to avoid dealing with their issues, many will be making the kind of life-enhancing changes that are essential for them to complete their awakening process.  Most are going to experience a new sense of freedom, of sovereignty, as they take control of their lives instead of allowing others to direct and manipulate them.
You were created free, and because Love honors and respects the freedom of all created beings, you know, deep within yourselves, that freedom is your natural God-given state.  However, within the game that you have been playing, awareness of your divine sovereignty has been hidden from you, and thus the individual paths that each of you planned before incarnating, and which were designed to assist you to uncover or rediscover your true nature, have until now remained hidden.  The time that has been unexpectedly made available to you over the last few months, time that you did not seek or ask for, has presented you with a marvelous opportunity to make enormous personal progress in remembering who you really are.  As you come out of confinement you will find that many have used this time very creatively and successfully to practice loving acceptance of whatever arises in their lives, enabling them to strengthen their sense of self, while at the same time strengthening and empowering their relationships with their partners, families, and friends, as an increasing awareness has developed of humanity’s mutual interdependence – of your Oneness with one another, and with Source.
To actually, and with great certainty, know that You are One, that there is only One, even though that One also appears as many, is extremely empowering.  It dissolves your fears, and establishes within you a wonderful state of peace and self-acceptance that brings you to a state of acceptance and love for all that arises in your life, whether you are living alone with yourself, or in the company of others.  You consent to life as it happens in each moment.  You may not like what it offers you, but, because you accept it lovingly, you find that you can deal with it.  As you start to experience this on a regular basis your self-confidence, your confidence that you – the I, or Me with which you identify – are fine, are OK, increases.  As a result of this you will find yourselves in a state of peace more and more frequently, for longer periods of time, and able to deal rationally and practically with whatever arises, instead of being overcome by uncontrolled emotions which can direct you, or seemingly force you to say or do something that is inappropriate, and which, as you review it later when you have calmed down, you may very intensely regret.
Despite the fear and anxiety that many have been feeling as the COVID-19 virus has spread across the world, negatively affecting a very large proportion of humanity, it has led people on an intense and essential inner journey of self-discovery.  Many have been able to let go of long held feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness – something the vast majority experience for much of their lives – which has prevented them from sharing the wonder of themselves with others.  Yes, the “wonder of yourselves!”  You are each wonderful divine beings, and when you can allow yourselves the freedom to present yourselves and your individual creative abilities to all with whom you interact, instead of presenting only that aspect of yourselves that your upbringing has led you to believe is acceptable, you will find yourselves actually enjoying being you, instead of finding yourselves anxious and afraid that others will be judging you, your behavior, and your life styles negatively.
When you accept yourselves, and present those selves to all others without being concerned about their opinions of you, you will find that the vast majority with whom you interact will also accept you, in fact they will admire and honor you for who you are, because they will now see the real you, the divine being, the eternally beloved child of God shining out from you as you set and live the intent to be only loving whatever arises.
Whatever the mainstream media may be telling you about the Corona Virus, and the effects it is having worldwide, just accept and know – as you truly do at the depths of your being – that you are in this present moment precisely where you are meant to be, experiencing precisely what you need to experience, as you move forward rapidly and most effectively on your path to awakening.  And also accept that by doing so you are beautifully alerting all others with whom you interact in any way at all to the Reality of the awakening process, thereby massively assisting them as they also move toward awakening.
Right now you are exactly where you are meant to be, where you intended to be as you planned this life path before incarnating, in order to magnificently assist in humanity’s awakening process.  There is nowhere else that you could be right now in order to better assist in this process, so even if it seems that you are on a path with very little meaning, a path on which you get practically no encouraging feedback, or even none at all, know, as truly you do, that you are each doing wonderful work to bring the awakening process to its most amazing and divinely intended conclusion – FULL CONSCIOUS AWARENESS of your eternal Oneness with Mother/Father/God.  REJOICE, because you, just like me, are One with God.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
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Jesus Audio Blogfor Sunday May 3rd

All are One, because there is only One. That One is Source, Mother/Father/God, Love, which is eternally present in the hearts of all sentient beings, because It is the life force, Consciousness aware of Itself as individual in each and every perfect and beautiful expression of Itself.  However, in form, as a human, It is free either to accept the limits that a human form imposes upon It, or to recognize Itself as One with Source.  Mostly It accepts the limitations of form, and over the eons those limitations have distracted It from choosing to know Itself as It truly is.  Nevertheless, the path to remembrance of It’s true and eternal nature as Love was established at the moment It first entered into form, so that It would never become totally lost, unable to find Its way Home.
Humanity has now moved forward beautifully to uncover or discover that path, and as a consequence an enormous number, who have seemingly – and only seemingly – been lost in form, separated from God, find arising within themselves the knowing that there is far more to life, abundantly more to life than what they are experiencing in form.  They have made the irreversible collective choice and decision to return Home, to awaken.  This awakening process is what humanity is now experiencing as myriad beliefs, and the resultant attitudes and behaviors in which they engaged are arising into their awareness and being seen for what they are – unreal and invalid.  This is unsettling and disturbing because it appears to suggest that they have been wasting their lives following false gods and prophets who have led them astray – causing them intense pain and suffering – while encouraging them to judge, condemn, and destroy others who have different belief systems.
As all are One, attempting to live like this is obviously completely insane, and yet that is what the majority have been doing, lifetime after lifetime.  To become aware of this is indeed shocking, and much guilt arises causing further pain and suffering.
But Love, the All, your true and eternal nature, is eternally and utterly unconditional in Its loving acceptance of every one of you regardless of whatever unspeakable crimes it appears that you have committed.  In truth, you have not ever committed even one crime, or ever done anything to displease God, or hurt anyone else, because, being permanently and eternally at one with and in the Presence of Mother/Father/God, and never, even for an instant, separated from that state, for you to have done or been anything that is not in complete alignment with Love is impossible.
The world of form is illusory, a dream world in that it exists in time, is limited by time, and will disintegrate completely in time.  Time is of the illusion, and when you awaken, as very soon you are scheduled to do, time and the illusion will have dissolved or disintegrated into the nothingness – the egotistical unreality – from which they arose, leaving not the slightest trace because, being unreal, they never existed.
All that you need to do to awaken is to release your insane and terrified grip on the unreal, and totally forgive yourselves and everyone else without any exceptions for the apparent crimes, suffering, and pain that it seems you or anyone else has committed in that unreal state.  To judge and condemn one another has become endemic in the unreal state of existence that life in human form provides.  Let it all go!  You are all, without exception, Love incarnate, Love confused, and now, Love awakening and returning to the divine Home that It has in truth never been separated from, even for the briefest of instants.
Go within daily, to your holy inner sanctuaries, knowing – as you do at the depth of your being – that you are inseparably One with Source.  That being so, you are all perfect beings of Light, of Love, and of infinite Beauty and Wisdom, and have always been so.  Allow yourselves to forgive – yourselves, and all others.  When you truly release your hold on guilt, shame, and blame, on resentment, bitterness, and hatred, it will be as though an enormous weight or burden had been removed or lifted off you, and you will feel weightless, free to move easily, lovingly, and most compassionately among your families, friends, and everyone else with whom you choose to interact in any manner – personally, or via the various forms of media available to you due to modern technology.
You are all the blessed and beloved children of God who created you in Love to be in eternal joy.  You have been asleep and dreaming of fearful unreal things, and you are shortly to awaken.  Yes, a few may choose not to awaken at this moment, and they will find themselves in an environment that totally suits that choice, and in which they feel comfortable.  They too will awaken, because without even one of you God would be incomplete, and it is utterly impossible for God to be incomplete.  Remember, you have never, not even for a moment, been separated from Source, and that also applies to those who choose to delay their awakening.
Rejoice in the knowing – even if you cannot yet feel it – that you are to awaken into infinite joy, and go about these remaining days in the world but not of it, as your intent to be only loving brings you a sense of peace and happiness that flows through you and into all with whom you interact, bringing to them all an energy confirmation that all is well, that there is nothing to fear.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
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Jesus Audio Blog forWednesday April 22nd

Earth’s population is presently experiencing much anxiety as the government imposed lock-down in many countries is severely limiting people’s sovereignty and freedom.  The reason for this lock-down is officially reported to be for humanity’s protection, a precautionary measure that is essential to prevent, or greatly limit, the spread of the Coronavirus, thus enormously reducing the number of people who become ill, and greatly reducing the number of possible deaths from this contagion.  People are generally accepting the wisdom of these measures, but they are very naturally worried about the long term intent of those who have imposed these restrictive regulations, and about how they might be used to continue limiting personal freedom after the pandemic has peaked and largely dissipated.
As other issues move to the forefront of the mainstream media replacing COVID-19, then increasing pressure will be placed on myriad governmental authorities worldwide to ease and then remove the restrictions on people’s freedom of movement, which they claimed were temporary when they were introduced.  People will begin to reclaim their individual sovereignty as it becomes apparent that there is, and has been for a very long time, tremendous corruption in governments – whether supposedly democratic ones or powerfully authoritarian ones – all across the world that can no longer be hidden from public view.  The pandemic has led people to question more freely and deeply the motivation of those in authority, and has given them the time and the opportunity in which to do so.  Much of a nefarious nature is being revealed daily as investigative journalists, who are not directly employed by any of the main media organizations, academics, and whistle-blowers make their inquiries and then make the resultant findings available to all on the world wide web.
This is a time in which the human population is growing very rapidly in awareness not only of the interdependence of all its individual members upon one another, but also of its total dependence on Planet Earth, which is a vast interconnected and interdependent system in which the well-being of each and every part is essential for the well-being of all the others.  The enormous damage that has been done to your planetary home over the last three hundred years, partly due to ignorance of or a refusal to learn of this interdependence, and partly due to the insane belief that you have the inalienable right to use the planet as a consumer product that can and will be discarded when no longer of use, can no longer be allowed to continue, let alone be ignored or dismissed.  Cognizance of the vast damage that you have collectively inflicted on your beautiful home is finally arising into humanity’s consciousness, and many groups are forming worldwide with the intent to bring to an end this massive desecration and to start on the major work of repairing some of the damage.  There is much that cannot be repaired, however, with the enormous changes in attitudes and behaviors that are now occurring, new creative ideas and endeavors will enable replacement of some of those irreparably damaged systems with new ecologically sound alternatives which will mightily benefit Gaia and all the life forms she so lovingly supports.
Truly humanity has entered into a moment of enormous creative possibility, a moment when, by letting go of fear-filled egotistical drives, and by the dropping of masks that so many have been wearing – through fear of being seen as the inadequate people that they have totally unrealistically come to believe themselves to be – and instead allowing themselves to be themselves, the beautiful beings that they actually are, then the changes which are essential for human survival on Planet Earth can be realized and put into effect.  Now is a moment of pivotal potential, a potential that needs to be seen, recognized, and developed – NOW!
There is limitless assistance available to you from your support teams in the spiritual realms.  You each – each individual in form as a human presently incarnate on Earth – have a magnificent and powerful support team ready and willing to help you and guide you through this essential but very unsettling period in humanity’s spiritual evolution.  You have free will — the free will of the human collective — which you can use either to benefit humanity and lead it forward, or to continue severely damaging the ecosystem on which all sentient life on Earth depends, thus massively threatening humanity’s long-term survival.
However, the human collective very recently made the irreversible choice and decision to move forward, to take a great leap forward in its spiritual evolution, so that a state of “Heaven on Earth” may be established.  It will be a state in which all are abundantly but not wastefully provided for in every moment, and in which boundless and endless creative endeavors can and will be embarked upon for the delight and joy of all, and therefore, of course, delighting Mother/Father/God as she so lovingly watches over all her beloved children.
At present there is much confusion and fear as the media does its utmost to focus your attention on the negative aspects of the Coronavirus, and there do seem to be many, but, being generally isolated, as most of you are, you now have plenty of opportunities to go within and connect with your spiritual support teams or with whomever you normally choose to address or pray to in the non-physical realms.  Doing this, and, at the same time choosing to open your hearts, allows intuitive guidance of the most beneficial kind to flow in with the Love/Life flow that is who you are, and which will uplift and inspire you as you become increasingly consciously aware that you are precisely where you are meant to be in this moment of now.  That realization will dissolve your doubts and anxieties, bringing you great comfort in the knowing that your presence in form at this time of inestimable potential for humanity is not only essential, but is also amazingly effective, even if you are not getting the kind of positive feedback that is often received when dealing with others who, like you, are presently experiencing life as humans in form.
Truly, even in these unsettling times, there is enormous reason for hope and for joy, because you are never alone, and you can at all times choose to tune into and experience the warmth and the joy of Love, of the One, of Mother/Father/God in whose loving embrace you are eternally and safely enfolded.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
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  Jesus Audio Blog for Easter Sunday

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